Sociology of Education Peer-Reviewed Articles (click the article name to download)
Smith, W.A., Franklin, J.D., Hung, M., (2020). The Impact of Racial Microaggressions across Educational Attainment for African Americans. Journal of Minority Achievement, Creativity, and Leadership. 1(1), 70-93.
Hung, M., Smith, W. A., Voss, M. W., Franklin, J.D., Gu, Y., & Bounsanga, J. (2020). Exploring Student Achievement Gaps in School Districts Across the United States. Education and Urban Society, 52(2), 175-193.
Franklin, J.D. (2019): Coping with Racial Battle Fatigue: Differences and Similarities for African American and Mexican American College Students. Race Ethnicity and Education, 22(5) 589-609.
Franklin, J. D., & Medina, R. (2018). Trump and an Anti-Immigrant Climate: Implications for Latinx Undergraduates. Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs, 3(3), 6.
Cabrera, N. L., Franklin, J. D., & Watson, J. S. (2017). Whiteness in Higher Education: The Invisible Missing Link in Diversity and Racial Analyses. ASHE Higher Education Report, 42(6).
Franklin, J.D. (2016). Racial Microaggressions, Racial Battle Fatigue, and Racism-Related Stress in Higher Education. The Journal of Student Affairs at NYU. 12(1), 44-55.
Cabrera, N., Watson, J., & Franklin, J.D. (2016). Racial Arrested Development: A Critical Whiteness Analysis of the Campus Ecology. Journal of College Student Development. 57(2), 119-134.
Franklin, J.D., Smith, W.A., & Hung, M. (2014). Racial Battle Fatigue for Latina/o Students: A Quantitative Perspective. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 13(4), 303-322.
Smith, W.A., Hung, M., & Franklin, J.D. (2012). Between Hope and Racial Battle Fatigue: African American Men and Race-Related Stress. The Journal of Black Masculinity, 2(1), 35-58.
Smith, W.A., Hung, M., & Franklin, J.D. (2011). Racial Battle Fatigue and the misEducation of Black Men: Racial Microaggressions, Societal Problems, and Environmental Stress. Journal of Negro Education, 80(1), 63-82.
Health and Statistics Peer-Reviewed Articles (click the name to download)
Wu, Y., Hung, M., Franklin, J.D., Samhouri, M., Simon, S., Amylon, M.D. (2016) Validation of an Outcome Measure for Pediatric Camps: A National Study of Oncology Camps. Psycho-Oncology. 25(1), 112-114.
Hung M, Zhang W, Chen W, Bounsanga J, Cheng C, Franklin JD, Crum AB, Voss MW, Hon SD (2015). Patient-reported outcomes and total health care expenditure in prediction of patient satisfaction: Results from a national study. JPH. 1(2).
Birmingham W, Hung M, Bonyasiriwat W, Kohlmann W, Walters S, Burt R, Stroup A, Edwards S, Schwartz M, Lowery J, Hill D, Wiggins C, Higginbotham J, Tang P, Hon SD, Franklin JD, Vernon S, Kinney A (2015). Effectiveness of the Extended Parallel Process Model in Promoting Colorectal Cancer Screening. Psycho‐Oncology, 24(10), 1265-1278.
Birmingham, W. C., Hung, M., Boonyasiriwat, W., Walters, S. T., Stroup, A. M., Schwartz, M. D., Franklin, J.D. & Kinney, A. Y. (2015). Abstract B12: To screen or not to screen: Examining components of the Extended Parallel Process Model in a tailored-risk communication intervention to promote colorectal cancer screening. Cancer Prevention Research, 8(10 Supplement), B12-B12.
Tyser, A. R., Beckmann, J., Franklin, J. D., Cheng, C., Hon, S. D., Wang, A., & Hung, M. (2015). Evaluation of the PROMIS Physical Function Computer Adaptive Test in the Upper Extremity. The Journal of Hand Surgery, 39(10), 2047-2051.
Hung, M., Pelt, C.E., Franklin, J.D., Cheng, C., Hon, S.D., Aoki , S.K., Anderson, M.B., Kapron, A.L., Peters, C.L. (2014). Psychometric Evaluation of the Lower Extremity Computerized Adaptive Test, the Modified Harris Hip Score, and the Hip Outcome Score. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 12(2) 1-10.
Hung, M., Franklin, J.D., Hon, S.D., Lawrence, B.D., Neese, A., Conrad, J., Cheng, C., Grover, C.B., & Brodke, D.S. (2014) Challenging the Norm: Further Psychometric Investigation of the Neck Disability Index. The Spine Journal.
Hung, M., Baumhauer, J.F., Brodsky, J.W., Ellis, S., Franklin, J.D., et al., (2014). Psychometric Comparison of the PROMIS Physical Function CAT With the FAAM and FFI for Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes. Foot & Ankle International
Hung, M., Franklin, J.D., Hon, S.D., Cheng, C., Conrad, J., & Saltzman, C.L. (2014). Time for a Paradigm Shift with Computer Adaptive Testing of General Physical Function Outcome Measures. Foot & Ankle International, 35(1), 1-7.
Hung, M., Hon, S.D., Franklin, J.D., Kendall, R.W., Lawrence, B.D., Neese, A., Conrad, J., Cheng, C., & Brodke, D.S. (2014). The Psychometric Properties of the PROMIS Physical Function Item Bank in Spine Patients. Spine Journal, 39(2), 158-163.
Hung, M., Conrad, J., Hon, S.D., Cheng, C., Franklin, J.D., & Tang, P. (2013). Uncovering Patterns of Technology Use in Consumer Health Informatics. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 5(6), 432-447.