5 More Months for Bin Laden's Driver or Not?

"The military judge, Capt. Keith J. Allred of the Navy, had already said that he planned to give Mr. Hamdan credit for the 61 months he had been held, meaning that Mr. Hamdan could complete his criminal sentence in five months. After that his fate is unclear, because the Bush administration says that it can hold detainees here until the end of the war on terror."

Looks like the Bush Administration doesn't believe in justice and the rule of the law.

Michigan (Wrongly) Clings to Comfort Issues

Sometimes, public opinion is just wrong and the government needs to intervene. The Supreme Court of Michigan obviously does not feel this way.

"An amendment to the state constitution approved by voters in 2004 to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman also prohibits public employers from providing health care and other benefits to the same sex partners of employees, a divided Michigan Supreme Court ruled today."

"The court majority found that language in the amendment prohibiting recognition of other unions “for any purpose” included the extension of benefits to gay and lesbian partners of public employees. Several Michigan universities, including U-M and MSU, along with various municipal and school employers had offered the benefits as a means of attracting workers."

[Photo credit: powerbooktrance]